Published paper

論文リストPapers list

No. Title Author Bibliography DOI
“Spin-Seebeck effects in Ni81Fe19/Pt films” K. Uchida , T. Ota , K. Harii , S. Takahashi , S. Maekawa , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON MAGNETICS 45 6 2386-2388 (2009) 10.1109/TMAG.2009.2018582
“Photoinduced inverse spin-Hall effect: Conversion of light-polarization information into electric voltage” K. Ando , M. Morikawa , T. Trypiniotis , Y. Fujikawa , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 96 082502_1-082502_4 (2010) 10.1063/1.3327809
“Direct conversion of light-polarization information into electric voltage using photoinduced inverse spin-Hall effect in Pt/GaAs hybrid structure: Spin photodetector” K. Ando , M. Morikawa , T. Trypiniotis , Y. Fujikawa , C. H. W. Barnes , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 107 113902_1-113902_5 (2010) 10.1063/1.3418441
“Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in different size Ni81Fe19/Pt films” H. Nakayama , K. Ando , K. Harii , Y. Fujikawa , Y. Kajiwara , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Journal of Physics (conference series) 266 012100_1-012100_4 (2011) 10.1088/1742-6596/266/1/012100
“Inverse spin-Hall effect induced by spin pumping in metallic system” K. Ando , S. Takahashi , J. Ieda , Y. Kajiwara , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , K. Harii , Y. Fujikawa , M. Matsuo , S. Maekawa , E. Saitoh Journal of Applied Physics 109 103913_1-103913_11 (2011) 10.1063/1.3587173
“All-oxide system for spin pumping” Z. Qiu , Y. Kajiwara , K. Ando , Y. Fujikawa , K. Uchida , T. Tashiro , K. Harii , T. Yoshino , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 100 022402_1-022402_3 (2012) 10.1063/1.3675463
“Electroresistance effect in gold thin film induced by ionic liquid gated electric double layer” H. Nakayama , J. Ye , T. Ohtani , Y. Fujikawa , K. Ando , Y. Iwasa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Express 5 023002_1-023002_3 (2012) 10.1143/APEX.5.023002
“Spin pumping in a ferromagnetic/nonmagnetic/spin-sink trilayer film: spin current termination” K. Harii , Z. Qiu , T. Iwashita , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , K. Ando , T. An , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Key Engineering Materials 508 266-270 (2012) 10.4028/www.scientific.net/KEM.508.266
“Geometry dependence on inverse spin Hall effect induced by spin pumping in Ni81Fe19/Pt film” H. Nakayama , K. Ando , K. Harii , T. Yoshino , R. Takahashi , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Physical Review B 85 144408_1-144408_7 (2012) 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.144408
“Interface induced inverse Spin Hall effect in bismuth/permalloy bilayer” D. Hou , Z. Qiu , K. Harii , Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , Y. Fujikawa , H. Nakayama , T. Yoshino , T. An , K. Ando , X. Jin , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 101 042403_1-042403_4 (2012) 10.1063/1.4738786
“Spin-relaxation modulation and spin-pumping control by transverse spin-wave spin current in Y3Fe5O12” Y. Kajiwara , K. Uchida , T. An , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Applies Physics Letters 103 052404_1-052404_4 (2013) 10.1063/1.4817076
“Spin mixing conductance at a well-controlled platinum/yttrium iron garnet interface” Z. Qiu , K. Ando , K. Uchida , Y. Kajiwara , R. Takahashi , H. Nakayama , T. An , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Applies Physics Letters 103 092404_1-092404_3 (2013) 10.1063/1.4819460
“Experimental investigation of spin Hall effect in indium tin oxide thin film” Z. Qiu , T. An , K. Uchida , D. Hou , Y. Fujikawa , E. Saitoh Applied Physics Letters 103 182404_1-182404_3 (2013) 10.1063/1.4827808